1: olddog 2007/03/02 (金) 04:29 UID:[ 4435@FGlJJAzB ] [ ICQ=153180501 ] near Compassion Shrine in Fellucca http://www.mugenbbs.net/navi/?T72o9N47o52E MSN: lordolddog@hotmail.com Icq: 153180501
2: del 2007/03/02 (金) 20:29 UID:[ 4427@6PICjfxX ] I wanna buy it but I don`t have Icq and MSN
How to trade that ?
It`s better be meet somewhere in meeting time ,how about today?
3: olddog 2007/03/03 (土) 13:38 UID:[ 4435@FGlJMo0Q ] [ ICQ=153180501 ] How about 8:00pm tonight at luna bank? You can also join the in-game chat conference called Castle Selling to find me.
4: del 2007/03/03 (土) 17:25 UID:[ 4427@6PICjfxX ] OK then I call you