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= 終了 = 売る - 資材 - Horned Leather (RED) 10000 SELL No.2887
1: SylphidNight  2008/03/11 (火) 13:27 UID:[ 5107@ZqPIdCfQ ]

Horned Leather (RED) 10000 SELL

Price(Money) : 500K

I have no ICQ. If you want to buy this, reply. comment

2: Lu-Dy  2008/04/25 (金) 18:15 UID:[ 4799@6lfQDd4a ] [ ICQ=495385614 ]

I want to buy it,but I'm not good at English.

I can't log-in certainly this week.

Can you log-in 18:00 on Monday ?

3: Lu-Dy  2008/04/30 (水) 22:10 UID:[ 4799@6lfQDdne ] [ ICQ=495385614 ]

I responce this sread too late X(
Please perdon me, I was given your time.

4: Lu-Dy  2008/04/30 (水) 22:16 UID:[ 4799@6lfQDdne ] [ ICQ=495385614 ]

>Please perdon me, I was given your time.
I beg your pardon.